
Is there a penalty for stealing our hearts? ❤️  Here’s to our December Derby Doll of the Month, Anna Mean Gables!

This December we’re celebrating one of our league’s greatest gifts, our Enforcer Extraordinaire – Anna Mean Gables! She’s been making calls for LADD for years and has stayed loyal to the league as we’ve hopped home to home. Her commitment to the league and the skaters is unmatched and we hope to share more good times with her for years to come!

Meanie has been an unsung hero the past few months. She has taken on the title of de-facto Captain of the Enforcers, which has ultimately led her to take on the work of 3. *HOLY MOLEY!* She leads her team of black and white with a level head and a strong knowledge of derby that only comes with years of experience. She has taken on these duties with such heart and has really supported our team of Enforcers through a rough time. 

Her level-headed leadership as an Enforcer has really made her a fond and critical member of our league. Meanie staffs our scrimmages and bouts with her crew and does an amazing job of keeping us all in the know with the rules, and check us on our ever so faulty moves. She is firm but fair and keeps a very open and helpful dialogue with our skaters. Her knowledge has really guided our league into a safer and more educated skating future. 

Meanie is very admired by all she comes in contact with. Both skaters and Enforcers alike really find a comfort knowing they can always talk to Meanie. From rules to advice she is an ear that’ll listen. Armed with this ear she hears thoughts and concerns and has worked diligently to create a safe and inspiring arena for our league.

As you can see, Meanie is anything but mean. Her willingness to take on the duties of captain has proven to all that she is dedicated. Her mindful calls on the track has shown her knowledge. And her thoughtful ear confirms her heart for the league and its skaters. This holiday season we have one more thing to be grateful for and that’s for our lady, Anna Mean Gables!